
lci_boilerbox_index Matched route
81 Tested routes before match

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Redirection

This page redirects to:

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 _assetic_3327881 /js/3327881.js Path does not match
2 _assetic_3327881_0 /js/3327881_jquery_1.js Path does not match
3 _assetic_3327881_1 /js/3327881_authentification_2.js Path does not match
4 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
5 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
6 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
8 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 _twig_error_test /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
16 ipc_default_index /ipc/ Path does not match
17 api_new_affaire /api/affaire/new Path does not match
18 fos_user_security_check /login_check Path does not match
19 fos_user_security_logout /logout Path does not match
20 fos_user_profile_show /profile/ Path does not match
21 fos_user_profile_edit /profile/edit Path does not match
22 fos_user_registration_register /register/ Path does not match
23 fos_user_registration_check_email /register/check-email Path does not match
24 fos_user_registration_confirm /register/confirm/{token} Path does not match
25 fos_user_registration_confirmed /register/confirmed Path does not match
26 fos_user_resetting_request /resetting/request Path does not match
27 fos_user_resetting_send_email /resetting/send-email Path does not match
28 fos_user_resetting_reset /resetting/reset/{token} Path does not match
29 fos_user_change_password /profile/change-password Path does not match
30 fos_js_routing_js /js/routing.{_format} Path does not match
31 lci_bons_saisie /lci/bons_saisie Path does not match
32 lci_ajax_bons_setEnquete /lci/bons/ajax/setEnquete Path does not match
33 lci_ajax_bons_archive_fichier /lci/bons/ajax/archiveUnFichierDeBon Path does not match
34 lci_bons_afficher_unbon /lci/bons/afficher_unbon Path does not match
35 lci_bons_externe_enquete /lci/bons/externe/enquetes Path does not match
36 lci_bons_admin_site_index /lci/bons/admin/site/index Path does not match
37 lci_bons_admin_site_creer /lci/bons/admin/site/creer Path does not match
38 lci_rapport_disponibilite /lci/rapport/disponibilite Path does not match
39 lci_ajax_bon_del_equipement /lci/aj/bons/del_equipement Path does not match
40 lci_ajax_bon_new_equipement /lci/aj/bons/new_equipement Path does not match
41 lci_ajax_bon_assign_equipement_to_bon /lci/aj/bons/assign_equipement_to_bon Path does not match
42 lci_ajax_siteba_new_contact /lci/aj/siteba/new_contact Path does not match
43 lci_ajax_bon_get_infos_contacts /lci/bons/ajax/get_infos_contacts Path does not match
44 lci_ajax_siteBA_del_file /lci/bons/ajax/siteBA/delete_file Path does not match
45 lci_ajax_bon_contact_supp /lci/bons/ajax/contact/supp Path does not match
46 lci_ajax_bon_contact_modif /lci/bons/ajax/contact/modif Path does not match
47 lci_ajax_archivage_fichier_siteBA /lci/bons/ajax/archivage/fichier/siteBA Path does not match
48 lci_ajax_bons_del_file /lci/bons/ajax/delete_file Path does not match
49 lci_bon_commentaire_consigne_facturation /lci/bon/ajax/set_commentaire_facturation Path does not match
50 lci_save_fichier /lci/save/fichier Path does not match
51 lci_archive_fichier /lci/archive/fichier/{fichierId} Path does not match
52 saisie_ticket /lci/tickets/saisie Path does not match
53 affiche_ticket /lci/tickets/affiche Path does not match
54 envoi_mail_cloture /lci/tickets/envoi_mail_cloture Path does not match
55 ajout_commentaire_bons_et_tickets /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajout_commentaire Path does not match
56 lci_bons_visualiser /lci/bons_et_ticket/visualiser/{refresh} Path does not match
57 lci_bons_sitesBA_visualiser /lci/bons_et_ticket/visualiser_site/{idSiteActif} Path does not match
58 lci_bon_rechecher_reset /lci/bons_et_ticket/reset_recherche Path does not match
59 lci_bons_rechercher /lci/bons_et_ticket/recherche Path does not match
60 lci_bons_attachements /lci/bons_et_ticket/accueil Path does not match
61 lci_get_fichier_bat /lci/bons_et_ticket/get_bat/{id_bon} Path does not match
62 lci_bons_tickets_download /lci/bons_et_ticket/download/bons-tickets Path does not match
63 lci_bon_ticket_download /lci/bons_et_ticket/download/bon-ticket/{id} Path does not match
64 lci_ajax_bons_setValidation /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/setValidation Path does not match
65 lci_ajax_bons_get_siteBA /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/get_sites Path does not match
66 lci_ajax_bon_get_googlemap /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/get_google_map Path does not match
67 lci_ajax_bons_select_service /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/choix_service Path does not match
68 lci_ajax_bon_new_siteBA /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/creer_site Path does not match
69 lci_bons_has_url /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/has_url/{id_bon} Path does not match
70 lci_ajax_bon_setFiltrePage /lci/bons_et_ticket/ajax/set_filtre_page Path does not match
71 lci_tableau_de_bord /tableau_de_bord/accueil Path does not match
72 analyse_des_synchronisations /tableau_de_bord/analyse_synchronisations Path does not match
73 ajax_get_slaves_status /tableau_de_bord/ajax/getSlavesStatus Path does not match
74 ajax_get_date_access_succeded /tableau_de_bord/ajax/getDateAccessSucceded Path does not match
75 depart-des-affaires /calendrier/presentation/depart_affaires/ Path does not match
76 ajax-set-calendar-event /calendrier/presentation/setCalendarEvent Path does not match
77 ajax-get-calendar-event /calendrier/presentation/getCalendarEvent Path does not match
78 ajax-delete-calendar-event /calendrier/presentation/deleteCalendarEvent Path does not match
79 lci-ajax-calendar-get-event-id-ba /calendrier/calendar/ajaxGetEventIdBA Path does not match
80 ajax-get-calendar-all-events /calendrier/ajaxGetCalendarAllEvents Path does not match
81 lci_boilerbox_index / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.